
Saturday, February 1, 2014

Teresa Collins 2014 Western Caribbean Cruise blog is working again. 
I don't know about you, but when my
computer updates and then
I try work on something and NOTHING
works right I get very frustrated.  All this
tech stuff .... I feel like a fish out of water
sometimes.  Does this happen to you?
But no worries...I just call Comcast and
they tell me what to do.  I am so over
Internet Explorer and trying to get it to
be compatible with all the other programs.
It seems Internet Explorer is also having
trouble with Google too, so I haven't been able
to get into my blog at all.
But now I have Firefox and so far so good.

 So now for the good stuff.
Last year I was very fortunate to go on a
scrapbooking cruise with Teresa Collins.
Surely I don't have to explain who she is!
She is the "Rock Star" (I have a good friend
that calls Teresa this and I think it fits)
of designers in my Scrapbooking World.
 That was in Oct. 2013.
Well she is having another cruise in
Nov. 2014 and I am going again....
I am "over the top" excited.  You can follow
this link to check it out:

Teresa Collins 2014 Western Caribbean Cruise
Isn't this FABULOUS????
As much as I will miss my family, I will truly 
enjoy some girl time!  

I am really not a travel girl.  I am 95% of the time
with my family when I travel.  So I have to step out
of my comfort zone to do this.  But I figure the more
I do it, the better I'll get.  When I travel with my family
my husband does everything.   So I believe that at my
age it is alright for me to try and do some things on
my own. 
Do you like to cruise?  How do you know what to take?
How in the world am I going to get everything I need
in one suitcast......HELP is needed!
I would really like to have your input.
For me I will be flying to our port instead of driving this
time.  I need to pack better. I think this time around I
will be more selective about what I take.  I am open to any
suggestions you have for me. I would appreciate it.
More info will be provided on this throughout this year.
It's fun to have something to look forward to! 
Until next time...Oh and don't forget to leave me some
packing advice!