Today was another special day with my parents. It was special because I had
them all to myself. We spent all morning looking at family pictures and
making notes. We are really trying to document information for future
reference. I wish I had been able to help my parents with this before now….but
better late than never. It is what it is. I find it so very important to accumulate
all of this information before it is lost. Both my parents are also enjoying this time
together as we look at pictures from their earlier years and try to organize them. I also find it interesting when I come across little cards and notes written by people in my family tree. People from long ago took such pride in their penmanship.
Even the wording they used is so different from the way we talk.
I ran across a cute little card that someone had written to my grandmother.
I believe this was a friend that taught school with my grandmother.
Here is a comment that she wrote: I shall always count my knowing you
among my most treasured possessions. I think that is sooo sweet. It was written in the most perfect penmanship. I think it is a shame that this is something that is becoming lost because of technology. Underneath the card was a picture of the woman that wrote the note. That’s a keeper!
Here’s a picture of my parents taken a couple of years ago.
Yes… I am blessed to still have them around.
Bill and Fran