Tuesday, June 14, 2016


Tim Holtz 2016 June Tag

for June.
Follow this link to Tim's Blog for his tutorial on 
how to make his tag.
OK so I am looking at Tim's Tag and thinking...
what to make..?????..That is the QUESTION!!!!!
I put on my thinking cap and thought about what June means
to me!  Father's Day, Vacations, SUN, Heat, Cookouts,
Oh...... and my ANNIVERSARY!  For our 30th Anniversary,
my hubby bought me a Jeep!  We "love" our jeep! We get up early 
and go for a ride, "with the top off of course" ...no direction...just get
up, brush teeth, throw on clothes and go....It has given us sooo much fun!
Mmmm ...Maybe I could do something with this.
I didn't have a "Sizzix Jeep Die!"
(that's because there isn't one ...that I could find anyway)!
As a matter of fact...as I got to thinking...I really didn't have
much of anything to symbolize a Jeep. But...I was going to
try....so if I need help with a place to start, I always go to 
"images" on Google.  

I found a great image of a jeep and copied it
into a word document, sized it to fit on a tag
and printed it onto heavy cardstock....
Now I can begin!!!!!
At this point, I was thinking, I could cut out the tires,
 for the technique using the stencil. 
Trust me....It was not a good idea..So I decided to 
go ahead with getting the tag ready for a design and then
I would come back to this part later.
I only had regular tissue paper...but you never know 
if it will work unless you try it...So I used my Ranger
Archival Ink and stamped a map image several times
onto the tissue paper. Then I used this Amazing Distress 
Vintage Collage Medium onto the tag first..then put the
tissue onto it...scrunching it up....be careful...it can tear!
 I am in "LOVE" with this product.  I love the look..gently 
aged....it looks kind of like the coating on leather to me.
Next apply the medium on top, dry it with your heat tool
and cut off the extra tissue.
I was still trying to figure out the stencil design.
Doing the actual tires was NOT going to work...
I was thinking "TIRE TREAD!"
Then I looked at the tag and thought...Cut the TAG...
not the jeep...and that is the point where I was able 
to move forward.
So using this die I cut "tracks"
into my tag...This is where I thought I could 
stencil the track pattern underneath so it would
show through. 
 The pattern is just too large to
work for me.
What do I have that will look like tire tracks???
As you can see my jeep fit right on those tracks.
I stamped a quote... found some gears and at this point
I was thinking how am I going to get my main idea ...
"ONLY IN A JEEP" on here???
I also stitched a center dotted line...
After  I did it..I thought that should have been "WHITE!"
....but the black will do!
Mmmmm back to the quote...
My girlfriend and I bounce ideas off of each other 
all the time when we SKYPE...and she brought up the license plate idea.
When I was getting out supplies and embellishments for 
this project...I got out my liscense plate die...but it was tooo
large for this project, so I kind of set that idea aside.
Maybe I can do something with that.
I thought I will just try to make a smaller one.
She suggested "ONLYINAJP"
on the plate....
but since I already had Jeep on the windshield (made
out of letters from Tim's Typeset die).
I put "ONLY....NA" what I needed on the plate!
What would I do without my girlfriend????? 

Here's my finished tag......

2016 June Tag
I found the compass charm on Etsy...Perfect!
I don't know about you.....but I am ready for
a "JEEP" ride!!!!!
Here are the rest of the supplies I used to create this tag:

Thanks for visiting ....and as always....
feel free to leave some "SCRAPPY LOVE!"